Content provided by Michele Prell, CLS New Business Manager
As the 2014 year gets under way, most of us have New Year’s Resolutions that we are trying to implement, whether it be personally or professionally. CLS is no different. Over the past six months, members of the New Business, Sales, Technology, and Service teams have been meeting to find the best way to simplify the new account application process. On January 13, we implemented new paperwork that is strategy and custodian specific, which alleviates confusion about which parts needs to be completed. We also made the data entry boxes larger and easier to read, as well as made the a la carte forms easier and quicker to find.
We are now into the second week of using our new paperwork. It is said that you need to complete a task, process or exercise program 15 days in a row before it becomes habit. We want to make the process easier, and for it to become habit to use the e-Profile system. Not only is it a great source for proposals, but it is your one-stop-shop for all of the forms necessary to open an account at CLS.
It is also a great time to clean house. Go through old, preprinted forms and put that shredder or recycling box to good use. Take advantage of the e-Profile system to get paperwork on-demand. If you prefer to have a supply right in your office, feel free to contact an inside sales representative to request new paperwork, and ask it to be customized to the profile and strategy you use most.
I also encourage you to take advantage of the direct fax line or direct email to submit your accounts to the New Business team for processing.
Fax# 402-431-4499
Lastly, the deadline for accepting old paperwork will be February 14, 2014. Paperwork that is submitted in good order with the date of February 14, or before, will be accepted. The new forms are available at, and can be mailed out to you, and should be available in Laser App shortly, which should provide enough time to change out old supplies and start with those new paperwork habits!